...when data really helps

About multiple sclerosis, and the ReMuS registry

Multiple sclerosis is a serious neurological disease that affects more than 700 people, mostly young people, in the Czech Republic every year. Although the disease is treatable with various drugs, it is not yet possible to cure the patient completely. In order to improve the treatment approach in the long term, it is essential to have a large amount of knowledge and reliable data. That is why the ReMuS registry was founded in 2013 to collect this data on the course of the disease and its treatment and to contribute to making multiple sclerosis a curable disease one day.

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ReMuS for people with MS

Are you interested in the field of multiple sclerosis and the ReMuS registry?

News from ReMuS

Get to know the ReMuS registry

For the presentation of the ReMuS registry at the International Congress on Neuroimmunological Diseases ECTRIMS, we have prepared a short presentation that will reveal what is hidden under the hood of this registry. Download the PDF to find out more...

ReMuS for researchers

Concert for 10 years of the register&nbspReMuS

Thank you for joining us in celebrating a decade of the registry with a benefit concert performed by Kateřina Marie Tichá & Bandjeez and guests in the beautiful refectory of Emmaus Abbey. 

>> more information and a photo report


21st Jedlička Likvorological and Neuroimmunological Days

The traditional meeting place for expert neurologists is named after Prof. Pavel Jedlicka, a pioneer in the field of treatment of demyelinating diseases. The 21st Symposium will feature, besides many Czech experts, also two extraordinary foreign guests - prof. Roland Martin from Switzerland and Dr. Eva Strijbis from the Netherlands. You can register to participate directly here.


JD mitochondria

5th Workshop ReMuS

On Friday 3 November, the 5th workshop for clinicians, nurses and registry administrators from all MS sites in the Czech Republic took place. In the Hermitage Hotel in Prague, the topics of safety monitoring using the system MedDRA, ongoing projects and activities ahead, plus new unique research opportunities were discussed.
>> more information and a photo report


Newsletter of the ReMuS registry

Occasionally, we will send you news from the field of multiple sclerosis research and the ReMuS registry in the form of a digital newsletter.