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ReMuS: Monitoring, analysing, helping

What is ReMuS?

ReMuS (Registry Multiple Sclerosis) is not only a professional tool; it is also a reliable partner in the journey with multiple sclerosis. As the only national registry in the Czech Republic, it focuses on gathering key information about multiple sclerosis and other neuroimmunological diseases. With a strong foundation of collaboration with centers of expertise across the country, its data serve not only the medical community for scientific research, but also patients seeking a better understanding of their disease and treatment options. The goal of the ReMuS registry is to contribute to the continuous improvement of patient care through the provision of key and reliable data and analyses.

The expert guarantor of the register is the Committee of the Section of Clinical Neuroimmunology and Liquorology of the Czech Neurological Society Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkyně, which can also be recorded under the abbreviation SCNL.


The joint partnership between ReMuS and SCNL frames the current Memorandum of Cooperation. In addition, the ReMuS Foundation has entered into cooperation agreements with 15 healthcare providers in the Czech Republic, where treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis takes place.

Who is behind the ReMuS registry?

The ReMuS Registry was established in 2013 IMPULS Endowment Fund, which has been promoting activities in the field of therapy and research of demyelinating diseases, especially multiple sclerosis, since 2000. Since April 2024, the registry has been operated as a separate non-profit organisation - ReMuS, Foundation.


resources spent on research, development and care support for patients with multiple sclerosis

Number of patients enrolled in the ReMuS registry

The chart below shows the data as it has historically been accrued each year to 31 December. Current data are those that have been updated at least once in the last 12 months.

No Data Found

Number of patients enrolled in the ReMuS registry

The chart below shows the data as it has historically been accrued each year to 31 December. Current data are those that have been updated at least once in the last 12 months.

No Data Found

How is the data collection done?

Currently, the original data collection system is still in operation, with data sent twice a year from the expert centres via a secure interface to the ReMuS registry. The data collection tool is the specialised database software iMed. In the near future, however, we are preparing to upgrade to a solution that will allow instantaneous data transfer and analysis via one of the most secure platforms of today, Microsoft Azure.

Ethical aspects

Data entry is carried out by trained personnel on the basis of the Informed consent from the patient. Each Informed Consent was prior to being put into practice approved by the Ethics Committee of each of the hospitals participating in the ReMuS registry.

Our vision, mission and values


A world without multiple sclerosis

Our ultimate goal is to create a world where multiple sclerosis will not be an obstacle.


To help create a world without multiple sclerosis through a long-term, high-quality, secure and stable source of comprehensive data on multiple sclerosis in the Czech Republic. The ReMuS registry always goes hand in hand with the latest developments in the field and takes an active approach to finding its own innovations.

The Values

Key objectives of the ReMuS registry

1. To map the real situation of the disease in the Czech Republic
To provide up-to-date and reliable information on multiple sclerosis in the Czech Republic.

2. Create a comprehensive picture of the effectiveness of costly treatments
Assist in research and resource planning for effective treatment.

3. Assist in the research and development of new medicines nationally and globally
Collaborate with scientific institutions and pharmaceutical companies to develop new treatments.

Newsletter of the ReMuS registry

Occasionally, we will send you news from the field of multiple sclerosis research and the ReMuS registry in the form of a digital newsletter.