Dear Colleagues,
we are pleased to present a summary 1st Neuro-Ophthalmology Forum, which took place on 20 June 2024 in Prague. This congress was an important step towards deepening the collaboration between neurologists and ophthalmologists. Our aim was not only to share expertise but also to develop a multidisciplinary approach in the care of patients with neuro-ophthalmological problems.
Throughout the day we had the opportunity to listen to a number of inspiring lectures and participate in discussions that enriched us with new knowledge and suggestions for further cooperation. The proof is photos filled with optimism and a spirit of sincere reciprocity. We believe that this meeting laid a solid foundation for future cooperation and development of our common industry.
Current information on interdisciplinary neuro-ophthalmology can be found on the project website

We thank all participants, speakers, partners and sponsors for their contribution and support.

Assoc. Prof. Jana Lízrová Preiningerová, MD, Ph.D.
General University Hospital in Prague

Jiří Drahota, M.Sc.
ReMuS Registry
Congress Summary
Main topics
- Neuro-ophthalmology from the perspective of neurologist, ophthalmologist and radiologist
- Interdisciplinary cooperation
- Interdisciplinary team case study competition
- Optimal treatment protocol for optic neuritis
Objectives of the Forum
- To promote a multidisciplinary approach to neuro-ophthalmology topics.
- Promote collaboration between neurologists and ophthalmologists in patient care by forming regional teams.
These objectives were reflected in all the blocks of the Congress.
Introductory courses
Participants were very positive about the introductory courses, which were tailored to the needs of individual specialists. Neurologists attended a course on eye examinations and ophthalmologists attended a course on neurological syndromes. The selection of topics and presentations of the lecturers - prim. MUDr. Marta Vachová and MUDr. Zdeněk Kasl, Ph.D. - were evaluated very positively.
Main block
In the main session, the following speakers commented on current topics in neuro-ophthalmology:
- Assoc. Prof. Jana Lízrová Preiningerová, MD, Ph.D. (neurology),
- Prof. Naďa Jirásková, MD, Ph.D. (ophthalmology),
- Prof. Manuela Vaněčková, MD, Ph.D. (neuroradiology).
Competition block of case reports
This session aimed to promote multidisciplinary debate and the formation of neuro-ophthalmology teams. Appropriate topic and collaboration of neuro-ophthalmology teams was a prerequisite for case acceptance. Six teams from different departments of the country participated and presented case reports on neuritis optica, neuropathy optica, uveitis and retinal ischemic stroke. The three winning case reports were announced by audience vote.
Discussion on the care of patients with acute optic neuritis
This session was led by Assoc. Prof. Lízrová Preiningerová and Dr. Diblík. Participants from the plenary also joined the discussion and shared specific procedures from their departments.
The congress fulfilled its objectives and significantly contributed to deepening the understanding and increasing the professional competence of the participants of both specialisations.
Photo gallery
Thank you to our partners for their support of the Neuro-Ophthalmology Forum project
Platinum partner
Gold Partner

Silver partner
Bronze partner
Event Facilitator
Final report
You can read or download the final report of the 1st Neruo-Ophthalmology Forum below in PDF format.