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Publications from the ReMuS registry data

Since its inception, the ReMuS registry has produced many scientific publications. The results of the ReMuS registry have been presented at national and international conferences and the information from the registry is thus available to experts at the annual Czech and Slovak Neurological Congress, the Jedlička Neuroimmunological and Liquorological Days symposium and many other professional meetings. The results of the annual data collection are traditionally published on the occasion of the World Multiple Sclerosis Day at the spring press conference in Prague.

Get to know the ReMuS registry

For the presentation of the ReMuS registry at the International Congress on Neuroimmunological Diseases ECTRIMS, we have prepared a short presentation that will reveal what is hidden under the hood of this registry. Download the PDF to find out more...

Real-world effectiveness of cladribine as an escalation strategy for MS: Insights from the Czech nationwide ReMuS registry

A new study published in the Journal of Central Nervous System Disease provides insights into the efficacy of cladribine in the treatment of multiple sclerosis in real-world clinical practice. This paper uses data from the Czech nationwide ReMuS registry and...

Neurologists: all patients must receive high quality care | 2024 ReMuS Registry Press Conference

If a person is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, it shouldn't matter whether they live in Cheb, Kolín, or Frýdek-Místek—they should receive the same care at all centers across the Czech Republic. Thanks to the ReMuS Registry...

Big Multiple Sclerosis Data network: an international registry research network

Article doc. Anna Glaser from Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, focuses on the importance and benefits of European multiple sclerosis registries, specifically the Big Multiple Sclerosis Data Network (BMSD) project, in which ReMuS is actively involved...

The impact of healthcare systems on the clinical diagnosis and disease-modifying treatment usage in relapse-onset multiple sclerosis: a real-world perspective in five registries across Europe

A team led by Richard Nicholas focused on how healthcare systems in different countries affect the clinical diagnosis and treatment access for multiple sclerosis...

Is breastfeeding in MS harmful or not? An answer from real-world Czech data

Original paper from Pavel Hradílek, MD, Ph.D. from the University Hospital Ostrava based on data from the ReMuS registry was published in the professional journal Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. Because the influence of breastfeeding and it´s duration on the course of multiple sclerosis (MS) is unclear. Here we analyzed a real-world data for breastfeeding women with MS and their disease course...

Does initial high efficacy therapy in multiple sclerosis surpass escalation treatment strategy? A comparison of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis in the Czech and Swedish national multiple sclerosis registries.

Scientific paper from Tereza Hrnčiarová, Ph.D. from the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University deals with the issue of treatment strategies in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Her work is based on data from the Czech Republic ReMuS registry and the Swedish MS Registry (SMSR). It follows the work of...

Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis is Experiencing a Revolution | ReMuS Registry Press Conference 2023

In anticipation of World Multiple Sclerosis Day (MS), the ReMuS patient registry held its traditional press conference on May 25, 2023. During the conference, the most up-to-date data on MS and the practical achievements made over the 10 years of the ReMuS registry's existence were presented...

The Czech National MS Registry (ReMuS): Data trends in multiple sclerosis patients whose first disease-modifying therapies were initiated from 2013 to 2021

Multiple sclerosis is a serious neuroimmunological disease and data on its incidence and treatment are systematically and longitudinally evaluated by the national ReMuS registry. Trends in the treatment of patients in the Czech Republic were discussed by Dominika Šťastná, MD, Ph.D. from the General University Hospital in Prague in her...

Proportion and characteristics of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis in five European registries using objective classifiers

Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) represents a significant phase in the development of multiple sclerosis, but it is often difficult to diagnose accurately. A study conducted in five European countries utilized objective classifiers to determine the proportion and characteristics of SPMS in various multiple sclerosis patient registries, including the national ReMuS Registry. The findings suggest that...

To be or not to be vaccinated: The risk of MS or NMOSD relapse after COVID-19 vaccination and infection

In a recent study published in the journal Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders researchers examined the risk of relapse in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica (NMOSD) after vaccination against COVID-19 and after undergoing COVID-19. The study looked at data from the Czech national ReMuS registry and showed...

Analysis of the Group of Pediatric Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Data From the Czech National Registry

Multiple sclerosis can also affect children, although it is a rarer form of the disease. Approximately 3-10% of patients develop multiple sclerosis before the age of 16. This study focuses on the analysis of a cohort of paediatric patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis who started treatment with disease-modifying drugs...

Is pregnancy in MS patients safe and what is its impact on MS course? Real World evidence of 1,533 pregnancies in Czech Republic.

Pregnancy in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) requires special care, particularly with regard to decision-making regarding disease-modifying disease (DMD) treatment and counselling regarding the period of conception, pregnancy and the postpartum period. This study aims to analyse the impact of pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage on the course of multiple sclerosis...

Multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and COVID-19: A pandemic year in Czechia

he emergence of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has raised concerns about the course of this disease in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD). This study aimed to evaluate the incidence, severity, and risk factors for a more severe course of COVID-19 among patients with MS and NMOSD...

Covid-19 and multiple sclerosis under scrutiny | ReMuS 2021 registry press conference

Exactly 1,918 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who have also contracted coronavirus are being closely monitored by doctors in the ReMuS Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry. Since March last year, they have been investigating the symptoms, treatment and possible impact of coronavirus on this specific group of people. Initial analyses show that MS is not a risk factor, but patients who are older, have more severe neurological impairment, are obese and also have some type of chronic therapy are at higher risk...

Treatment Switching and Discontinuation Over 20 Years in the Big Multiple Sclerosis Data Network

Although more than a dozen disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) are available for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), treatment interruptions, switches, and discontinuations are common challenges. This study focuses on describing treatment interruptions and discontinuations within the Big Multiple Sclerosis Data Network. Under the leadership of Prof. Jan Hillert from Sweden's Karolinska Institutet, data from five clinical registries covering a 20-year period...

Comparison of Therapies in MS Patients After the First Demyelinating Event in Real Clinical Practice in the Czech Republic: Data From the National Registry ReMuS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system. After the first demyelinating event, well-established drugs...

What data does the national registry of patients with multiple sclerosis ReMuS offer?

In a review article in the professional journal Neurologie pro praxi the professional guarantor of the ReMuS registry focused on presenting the ReMuS registry and, in particular, the range of data it contains. The article also provides insight into the representation of patients in individual MS centers across the Czech Republic, the development of the use of highly effective medicinal products, and the critically important area of...

Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry ReMuS - the importance of data in chronic diseases

A new article in the professional journal Remedia provides insights into what can be found in the data of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry ReMuS after six years of operation, as well as in the real clinical practice of the Czech Republic. Since its inception, records of...

Initiation of first disease-modifying treatment for multiple sclerosis patients in the Czech republic from 2013 to 2016: Data from the national registry ReMuS

Proper management of multiple sclerosis treatment requires feedback from clinical practice, which is provided by registries. This article focuses on introducing the Czech national multiple sclerosis registry, ReMuS, and examines the availability and use of disease-modifying drugs ...

How We Have Progressed Over Five Years of the ReMuS Registry's Existence

In its five years of existence, the Czech national registry of multiple sclerosis patients, ReMuS, has become an invaluable source of data for both clinical practice and research. This article provides an overview of how the registry has developed since its inception in 2013...

Multiple sclerosis registries in Europe - Updated overview

In 2018, an updated mapping of multiple sclerosis (MS) registries in Europe was conducted, building on a previous survey from 2014. This survey includes 19 registries, mostly from Europe, and provides detailed information on the organization, data collection methods, quality control mechanisms, and funding of these registries...

A comparison of efficacy of subcutaneous interferon β-1a 44 μg, dimethyl fumarate and fingolimod in the real-life clinical practise – a multicenter observational study

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating and neurodegenerative disease affecting the central nervous system. Interferon (IFN) β-1a 44 μg, dimethyl fumarate (DMF), and fingolimod are established medications for the treatment of relapsing-remitting MS (RR MS). The aim of this project, which includes an analysis of data from the ReMuS registry, was...

ReMuS - The Czech Republic National Multiple Sclerosis Patient Registry

The article by Dr. Dana Horáková, published in Multiple Sclerosis News offers a detailed look at the creation and development of the Czech national registry of multiple sclerosis patients, ReMuS, since its establishment in 2013. Readers will find information on the structure of the registry, the data collection process, and...


Newsletter of the ReMuS registry

Occasionally, we will send you news from the field of multiple sclerosis research and the ReMuS registry in the form of a digital newsletter.